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Thursday 13 September 2012

Sample Questions

1. Due to the cost overruns, Diane has sent a status report to the CEO of her company. Assuming he reads it, she can expect him to remember what percent of the report?
A. 73% to 77%
B. 23% to 27%
C. -25% to 75%
D. 50%
Answer: A

2. Which of the following methods to resolve conflict is most likely to create a "wounded warrior"?
A. Forcing
B. Compromising
C. Accommodation
D. Avoidance
Answer: D

3. "Decoder" is not synonymous with "receiver" because

A. the decoder interprets based on his or her frame of reference
B. the decoder is not a position on the team
C. the decoder evaluates, uses assumptions and self-interest while the receiver sees or hears
D. the decoder uses skills and credibility to challenge the encoder
E. a and c
Answer: E

4. People generally remember __ % of the spoken word in 1-2 days and __ % in 2 months.
A. +50, +75
B. +50, +25
C. +75, -25
D. +10, -5
Answer: B

5. In a simple, interactive, one-on-one communication process, there are the sender and receiver of information. The sender is the one who transmits the signals, while the receiver ________ the signals.

A. accepts
B. mixes
C. rejects
D. interprets Answer: D

6. The communication process must have a medium to convey information between two or more parties. The three common media are ________.

A. written, spoken, and signalized
B. visual, audio, and tactile
C. seeing, talking, and listening
D. seeing, listening, and touching
Answer: B

7. Communications between two individuals can be affected by either the attitude of either party or an external source disrupting the flow of information. An example of a barrier between the parties involved in verbal communications and an example of a disruptive influence could be ________.
A. a wall between desks and a difference in language skills
B. a third party injecting comments and a fourth party attempting to change the subject
C. an attitude of hostility by the receiver or sender and a ringing telephone nearby
D. a confrontation over schedules and a lack of a scheduling tool
Answer: C

8. Of the five basic approaches to conflict resolution that characterize an individual's human resource management style, the one that produces a "win-lose" outcome whereby the project manager uses his/her power to overrule the participant in the conflict is ________.
A. confrontation
B. compromise
C. smoothing
D. forcing
Answer: D

9. Management styles affect the confidence level given a project manager by subordinates, peers, and superiors. When a project manager is judicial in his/her management style, s/he is ________ .
A. honest, sincere, able to motivate and to press for the best and fairest solution, and one who generally goes "by the books"
B. marked by an eagerness to fight or be disagreeable over any given situation
C. encouraging subordinates to realize their full potential, cultivates team spirit, and lets subordinates know that good work will be rewarded
D. one who exercises sound judgment in most areas of the project
Answer: D

10. Communications between individuals while talking may also involve nonverbal communications, or body language. Body language is most commonly associated with ________.
A. twisting and shrugging
B. gestures and facial expressions
C. toe tapping and foot shuffling
D. dancing and waltzing
Answer: B

11. Communication, as the key to successfully implementing a project, is reflected in many forms and styles. The communication medium/media used in the project can be a ________.
A. budget
B. schedule
C. configuration management plan
D. meeting agenda
E. all of the above
Answer: E

12. In negotiations, there are always ongoing communications in an attempt to reach a position that is mutually agreeable to all parties. One means (facilitator) of communication during the negotiation phase is to ________.
A. obtain written concurrence at the end of each session
B. be calm, poised, and patient
C. use surprise as required
D. not be afraid to say no
E. all of the above
Answer: E

13. Communication includes understanding the other person and reaching a consensus as to what was said. The use of ________ is a means of giving feedback to the speaker by rephrasing the speaker's words to ensure there is a level of understanding.
A. give-back
B. active listening
C. double talk
D. double speak
Answer: B

14. Communications between the project manager and a team member take many forms, but it would not include a ________.
A. memorandum announcing a meeting of the team
B. letter of commendation to a team member
C. performance appraisal for a team member
D. newsletter article reviewing the project's progress
Answer: D

15. In face-to-face communications, individuals send two messages when they speak. The two message aspects are content and command. The first contains that part of the message about which two or more persons can agree, and the second contains ________.
A. that portion that is intentionally meant to be misunderstood
B. that portion that imposes behavior and the relationship between the parties
C. inferences as to future messages to be sent
D. reinforcement of prior messages
Answer: B

16. Barriers to communication can be invisible to the casual observer but can often be greater obstacles than physical barriers. However, barriers do not include ________.
A. semantic ordinates, or absolute words
B. differences in frames of reference
C. lack of credibility or trust
D. an overly technical approach to communicating
Answer: D

17. Team members may "filter" information to the project manager for several reasons. Filtering, a selective reduction in the quantity and quality of information, is promoted through all of the following except when the team member ________.
A. does not believe the information to be important
B. receives an adverse reaction when "bad news" is given
C. fails to understand the information in the context given
D. takes too long in obtaining the correct information
Answer: D

18. The factors of the structural environment can be manipulated (positively and negatively) to improve or degrade the effective communications within a project team. Of the following factors, the one that can be manipulated the most to change the level of communications is ________.

A. mobility opportunity
B. status
C. organizational climate
D. autonomy
Answer: C

19. Project managers must strive to improve communications within the project team as well as with external elements. The project manager can improve communications by removing ________ of the information.
A. delays, impediments, and barriers
B. filtering, distortion, and blockage
C. haste, waste, and redundancy
D. pushing, pulling, and putting aside
Answer: B

20. The most basic model for the communication process consists of three basic elements ________. When these three elements are present, communication may result.
A. words, illustrations, and mathematics
B. people, transmission medium, and information processor
C. verbal, nonverbal, and physical
D. sender, receiver, and message
Answer: D

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